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Inglewood bird sanctuary gets 1% of sales of top rated natural deodorant
Inglewood Bird Sanctuary


click here to visit their website

Image of deodorant with beeswax formula for effective ordor control
Apiaries and Bees for Communities

To express our gratitude to our local community, routine is proud to support various local organizations and charities.

Routine donates 1% of all sales to support "the birds and the bees". Find out more below.

1% of all sales of our beeswax formula supports this crucial charity! Click on the link above to learn more about what Eliese Watson and the wonderful team at A.B.C are up to. All beeswax used in our products is locally sourced from Nixon Honey - from the hive to your home! 

1% of all sales of our "bird" labels are going towards this local initiative.The Inglewood Bird Sanctuary in souteast Calgary is a large wildlife reserve with numerous nature trails where over 270 species of birds have been observed. The Santuary is closed due to flood damage, and they need support to help re-open! 

Cancer Chic was developed by two young female cancer survivors in Calgary, Alberta. They currently offer interactive workshops for women living with cancer. The topics covered are current and relevant not only because this is a growing cohort of cancer patients, but because they are engaging in topical and popular concerns such as being “green”, health conscious, and stylish.


Routine donates a full size jar for every woman attending these workshops.

image of ethical cruelty free besswax deodorant
Ethical Beeswax!

Cancer chic program full jar of natural deodorant goes to workshop attendies
Cancer Chic

commitment to community and environment.

We love the Earth!
Picture of all natural ingedient deodorant with the most effective formulas
We love the Earth!

Routine loves the earth! From day one, we have made a commitment to the environment with every aspect of routine. This includes:


- Glass jar packaging... which means less plastic

- All our orders are shipped with recycled packaging

- All natural ingredients... meaning a safer earth for our children

- Made in Calgary, Alberta; Sweatshop free and ethical

- We love animals. They don't have b.o. so why would we test on them?



All of our beeswax is locally sourced from Nixon Honey in Innisfail, Alberta. 

Nixon Honey strives to provide its customers with the finest natural honey, produced in Alberta by our own bees. They also promise high quality pollination services to the seed and food production industry.

Routine supports local charities and events that we are passionate about. We love children, animals, the environment, food, and healthy lifestyle initiatives.


Routine believes in working with local partners every step of the way. We manufacture here in Calgary, our labels are local, we hire local talent, and one of our exciting new initiatives is working with a local arborist to create display stands made out of reclaimed wood from the September 2014 Calgary snow storm.


Picture of Routine cremenatural deodorant supporting local communities
Local Local Local
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